Watch out for early warning signs of Pyometra

What is Pyometra?

Pyometra, a life-threatening condition that can affect female cats and dogs when their uterus is infected by bacteria, is serious. The infection can cause a buildup of pus inside the uterus that can lead to serious health problems. Pyometra can happen in spayed or intact cats and dogs. However, it is more common in intact animals. It can prove fatal if it is not treated.

What Causes Pyometra?

Pyometra is often caused by a bacterial infection. Most commonly, it’s Escherichia Coli. When an animal is heated, bacteria can get into the uterus via the cervix. The heat cycle hormones can cause the walls to become thinner, making them more vulnerable to infection.

What are the first signs of Pyometra?

Lethargy, vomiting, and loss of appetite are all signs of pyometra. Other signs that may appear as the infection progresses include increased drinking, urination and abdominal swelling. If the infection is not treated, the animal could become more ill or even enter shock.

Abdominal swelling

Abdominal swelling is one of the first signs of pyometra. This happens due to pus buildup in the uterus. Due to the pressure infected uterus, the animal might also seem in pain or uncomfortable.

Vaginal Discharge

A thick, yellow-green vaginal spotting is another sign of pyometra. This can be foul-smelling or contain pus. Sometimes, the discharge can be accompanied with blood.

Lethargy and loss of appetite

The animal may become less interested in eating and may be lethargic as the infection progresses. The pressure infected uterus may cause them to appear in pain or discomfort.

Pyometra diagnosis

It is crucial that your pet be seen by a vet immediately if they are showing signs of pyometra. Your vet will conduct a physical exam. They may also recommend additional testing such as imaging and blood work.

Pyometra Treatment

Surgery to remove infected uterus is the only treatment for pyometra. This is a very serious procedure that will require close monitoring of the animal.

Prevention of Pyometra

Spaying your pet is the best way to prevent pyometra. Spaying your pet can not only prevent pyometra but also lower their risk of developing other reproductive diseases or cancers.


Pyometra can be life-threatening and fatal. Spaying your pet is the best way to prevent pyometra. Early symptoms of pyometra are abdominal swelling, vaginal drainage, lethargy and loss of appetite. It is crucial to get your pet to the veterinarian immediately if they show any of these symptoms.

Refer to Definitions of Pyometra Search: What are the First Signs Of Pyometra?